Mohammad Ibrahim, father of 6 children is 36 years old and lives in Chelato village of Kishindeh district. He says “I used to be a labor and work on daily wage which was not only instable but also I usually had to travel in search of a job in different villages. During winter I could rarely find a job and most of the times I had to borrow from village shops for my family food and basic needs which made life difficult for me and my family. I was depressed and lost”.

Mohammad Ibrahim joined Kamyab SHG around two years ago after HiH Af started the Sustainable Livelihood Program in his village. After joining the SHG he along with other members of the group saved regularly. He received Group Management Training, Microfinance Training, Business Development Services (BDS) trainings and training on livestock rearing. He says “After learning about entrepreneurship I thought of my own business and took an internal loan of AFN 10,000 from the SHG combined with my personal savings I bought a cow”. He has also received enterprise startup kit from HiH Af which has helped him to establish his dairy microenterprise.

Now he is producing around 14 liters of milk daily, he sells 10 liters of the produced milk for AFN 20 each liter and his family uses the remaining. He says “Now my family has access to dairy products at home and I also work the days if I could find a job that will add to my income”. His internal saving has reached to AFN 2,400 and he along with other members of the SHG continues their regular savings.

Mohammad Ibrahim is very thankful to HiH Af for implementing Sustainable Livelihood Program in Kishindeh district.

Mohammad Ibrahim has already repaid his internal loan and he is confident to expand his enterprise by buying another cow within next year to increase his production.

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