Rahima 24 years old, lives in Shah Rahim village of Khulm district, Balkh province. She got married four years ago and has a one-year old son. Her husband works at a carpenter shop in Khulm bazar and his income only meet to provide food to the family. Rahima lives in a very small room at her in-law’s house together with her brother in-laws.

She has learned stitching hat from one of her neighbors eight years ago, but she could never start her own hat making business because she did not have the required equipment and tools. She never had her own income and has only been a housewife. All this changed when Hand in Hand Afghanistan started the village uplift project in Shah Rahim and she was one of the eligible women to join the program.

She says “I joined Peerozi Self-Help Group one year ago and received business development and marketing training. I received enterprise startup kit as a helping hand from Hand in Hand Afghanistan to establish my micro-enterprise. I have started stitching hat and I am earning around AFN 6,300 per month since then. Now I have improved my skills better than before. I am feeling great by doing my favorite occupation at home and I am very happy to be self-reliant also glad to have an income and be able to provide biscuits and milk powder for my son, cloths and some needs for myself and also put aside some amount for saving”.

Rahima’s husband carries 30 hats to sell to shops every week. She wants to expand her business in future and will send the hats to other provinces, which there are good market and more demand. Men used to wear turban and use such type of hats.

She added. “Thanks to Hand in Hand and the donor for supporting women through this project we were motivated to start our own business and we will keep this going for many more years.

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