Success Stories

June 24, 2024
Transforming Lives: The Impact of Loans on Mrs. Parwin’s Journey with the Bakhtawar Self-Help Group

Through the empowerment project and her active participation in the SHG, Mrs. Parwin is creating a more stable and prosperous future for her family.

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May 29, 2024
Ayesha’s Rising Journey: Turning Talent and Opportunity into Success

“I am very happy and grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow. It has changed our lives,”

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May 1, 2024
Saffron Success: Mohammad Rafiq’s Triumph over Adversity

My family's situation has improved relatively after joining the program. My income comes from cultivating crops, and saffron cultivation has also been added as a new crop to our previous...

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March 31, 2024
Nurturing Success: The Inspirational Journey of Shukoria Qadri in Saffron Processing and Empowerment

"This institute has created suitable working conditions for a large number of women, enabling them to overcome economic difficulties."

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February 29, 2024
Latifa’s Inspiring Journey: Sewing Success and Dreams

Latifa has a message for other girls and women: "Keep trying, go to school, and learn a skill. Work together with your family to make your lives better."

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January 30, 2024
Najia’s Journey: Empowering Women and Creating a Better Life

This program has transformed my life and the lives of dozens of other women in my neighborhood. Empowering women is one of the best and most effective ways to improve...

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January 3, 2024
Accomplishment and success Journey of a Unite Tailoring Center

In the past five months, the class has embroidered over 150 pairs of clothes. According to Shaima, the trainer, they typically sew around 15 pairs of clothes per week, with...

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December 3, 2023
From Struggle to Self-Sufficiency

Abdul Khaliq is a 40-year-old farmer in Charikari village, Kunduz Province, Afghanistan. He supports a family of 13, including five sons, eight daughters, and a wife. As the sole provider,...

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October 30, 2023
Empowering Artisans: Sima’s Journey to Financial Independence

As a skilled artisan with limited opportunities, she has become a successful entrepreneur, contributing to her family's well-being and the local economy.

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September 27, 2023
Sarah’s Journey: Empowering Women through Tailoring Skills and Business Lessons

"Amidst the challenging security conditions prevalent at that time, I successfully maintained the collection of the Self-Help Group (SHG)."

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August 31, 2023
Pesta Gul’s Empowerment Journey; reflecting on the positive impact of the HASEL Project

"I used to feel helpless about supporting my family before, but now I can overcome economic challenges. This has been the most significant change in my life," shares Pesta Gul,...

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August 1, 2023
Oghlika’s Story: The Project Provides a Secure Future for Women

 “I enjoy acquiring new skills through workshops and training sessions. I even managed to learn Persian, as my mother tongue is Turkish, and previously I struggled to communicate in our...

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