Najiba, an Skilled Entrepreneur in her Village
Najiba was born and raised in a poor and uneducated family in Qare-Sarwar village, Aqcha district of Jawzjan province. Like most girls living in Afghanistan, because of the cultural barriers, lack of awareness, gender and social sensitivity, she couldn’t attend school – a dream for her childhood which didn’t come true.
She learned some basic tailoring skills from her mother at home. She was talented in making handicrafts and Qurs Dozi. She had no idea how things will turn out in her life once she learned about HiH-AF activities and joined one of the SHGs in 2014. She was enrolled in a group named Bahar and started receiving training on group management, Micro Finance and Business Development Services. She was later convinced to join Life Skill Training. Talking to HiH-Af facilitator, she said that it was during mobilization process that she knew of the rights women have; the right to work, vote, study and generate income.
Her passion and dedication to learn and work encouraged her family to allow her to get more engaged with HiH-Af skills training. She later could find a job in an organization as Vocational Sill Trainer in her village. She isresponsible to teach women on production of handicrafts especially Qurs Dozi. During her career, she demonstrated her skills as a qualified trainer who train trainees, prepare work plan for the classes and manage routine activities. She earns a monthly wage of AFN 5,000 that can support her family for daily expenses.
With a toolkit she received from HiH-Af she now sews women’s clothing and earns a minimum of AFN 3,500. “I can’t believe of such good changes came in my life and am so thankful to HiH Af for letting me know how talented I can be” Najiba said.