Mohsena Ameni is 39 years old woman, living in Kaj Gozar village of Mazar-I-Sharif city of Balkh province, Afghanistan. She is the mother of five sons and one daughter, and a housewife for his home and husband.
Mohsena joined the project, which aims to support poor households through the poultry value chain in Mazar-I-sharif, Afghanistan. She started her backyard layer poultry farm with 20 chickens received from HIHAO almost nine months ago.
Mohsena, as a participant in the poultry project, received the necessary training to create a poultry farm before receiving the chickens from the organization. This training includes chicken breeding systems, chicken coops and their construction, nutrition and water, diseases and primary treatment, vaccination, and marketing.
Mohsena says: “At the beginning, I was not included in the main list of beneficiaries in the project and I was on the waiting list. I did not believe that I could be selected for the project, but I was hopeful, and after a while, they informed me that I was among the eligible ones. This was good news for me and I decided to take advantage of this opportunity.”
“When I received 20 pieces of chicken from HIHAO; “I felt confident that now I will put all the learnings into practice and I will be able to handle this responsibility and I can establish my farm. My chickens started laying eggs in their coop about two weeks later. In the first days, there were about 4 to 5 eggs and gradually this number increased. I spent the money I got from selling eggs to develop my farm and bought 6 more chickens, now I have 26 healthy chickens and I get about 16-18 eggs from their nests daily.”
In addition to being able to take good care of the chickens, Mohsena added to the number of chickens; She also successfully carries out treasury and marketing duties in her SHG.
Mohsena says about her earnings from poultry farming, “I get 16-18 eggs a day and sell them to the supermarket for AFN10 each, which means I earn around AFN 4,500 to 5,000 in a month.” She uses the money obtained to buy chicken feed, and food for the family and pay the electricity bill.
In addition to good income for Mohsena’s family, eggs are also healthy nutrition and good support. Every Friday, she cooks eggs for her children and her husband for breakfast. In addition, she gives AFN 5 per day to his sons, who are school students, and also pays their Madrasa fees.
She says that along with the economic change, changes in social and educational fields have also happened in her life, so; Her recognition in the community as a marketer for eggs and its sale has increased, and the knowledge she has in the poultry sector has enabled her to manage her business and still be a guide for others.
In addition to all this, Mohsena is a qualified candidate in the race for the leadership of the Sahar SHG. “I appreciate and am grateful to HIHAO and their donors that enabled and supported me in establishing my farm. Before this organization, there was no project or any other program in our area. This project opened my eyes to many aspects of life, I became aware and I was able to learn. Now I understand how to support and use these opportunities. The trainers of HIHAO have always supported us and informed us without having any expectations, they have not forgotten us in their busy days, I sincerely thank HIHAO.”