Parmina is 28 years old, married and living in Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani village of Nahre Shahi district.  She has 4 kids, a son and three daughters. Her husband is jobless and he wanted to leave the country in search of job. But when Parmina was enrolled in the Promoting Women’s Socio-Economic Empowerment through Layer Poultry Farming project things changed for the entire family. Her husband decided to stay and help Parmina with her small poultry farm.

Like the other 150 women, Parmina received trainings on layer poultry farming, marketing and value addition of products and received enterprise startup toolkit including 20 layer chickens, chicken feed, feeder, water pot and other items required for a backyard poultry farm. She happily started her work and is now earning around AFN 3,500 per month by selling eggs. She says, “I am very happy that I am earning and this encouraged my husband to stay with us.”

Parmina talks about the financial problems they suffered, she says, “There were times when we did not have anything to eat, we had received loan from some relatives and the local shopkeepers in the village. Now I started paying back our debts.”

Parmina is happy and thanks Hand in Hand Afghanistan and the Australian Embassy for implementing this project in their village.


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