Access to Credit through Saving


access to creade june 2016

Access to Credit through Saving

Access to Credit is very essential to start, run and expand any business. Hand in Hand Afghanistan creates the self-help groups (SHG) not only for bringing people together for achieving long term cooperation in rural communities, but also encourages them to keep saving on regular bases.

SHG members are internally saving and lending to start new enterprises or enhance the existence ones.

During this reporting period, a total of AFN 1,692,200 has been internally saved by the SHG members in all targeted districts of Balkh, Samangan and Sarepul provinces.

Provincial figures are:

  • 799,800 AFN saved in Sarepul province by the SHG members.
  • 483,650 AFN saved in Samangan province by the SHG members
  • 236,950 AFN saved in Balkh province by the SHG members

During June 2016 SHG members issued 251 loans worth AFN 1,489,750 (85% female).

toolkit distrbution

Startup Kits Help Micro Entrepreneurs to Start Enterprises and Create Job Opportunities.

Hand in Hand Afghanistan (HiH Af) as part of its learning module conducts vocational training for rural men and women covered in targeted districts of Balkh, Samangan and Sarepul provinces.

Upon completion of the vocational trainings, HiH Af provides enterprise startup kits to entrepreneurs in order to help them start the business as well as kits are provided to enhance and ensure sustainability of micro enterprises.

During the month of June 2016, a total of 1,537 startup kits such as Layers Poultry, Broilers Poultry, Beekeeping, Livestock and Horticulture were provided to rural women and men resulting in creation of 2,152 jobs (71% female). At the same time 277 (87% female) jobs were created by issuing internal loans from SHGs.

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