Vacancy Number: HiH AF 004/16, Position Title: Media & Communication Officer, Closing Date: May 12, 2016
Vacancy Number: HiH AF 004/16, Position Title: Media & Communication Officer, Closing Date: May 12, 2016
Bellows are summery of the major activities taken place during January 2016 in Shortepa and Kishindeh districts of Balkh(1) province, Balkhab, Sancharak and Gosfandi districts of Sarepul(2) Province and Dar-e-Suf Bala and...
Hand in Hand Afghanistan conducted Stakeholders Meeting for “Supporting Rural Entrepreneurship and Promoting Women’s Socio-conomic Empowerment” project that is implementing in Dar-e-Suf Bala and Dar-e-Suf Payeen districts of Samangan province. The...
Vacancy Number: HiH-AF 002/16, Position Title: Admin/ Finance Officer, Closing Date: 21, Mar 2016
The Hand in Hand International honorary chairman writes CITY A.M on the importance of raising standard of living of potential refugees by creating jobs in their own regions. Mr. Percy...
Highlights of the Month, November 2015 117 (88 female & 29 male) new members were mobilized in to groups under the 1)Sustainable Livelihood Program III in Keshindeh and Shortepa districts...
Hand in Hand Afghanistan has been expanding its reach in northern and north-western provinces with a mission to reduce poverty through job creation in Afghanistan. Thanks to European Union and...
Hand in Hand Afghanistan conducted a two-day planning workshop in Mazar-e-Sharif and invited all HiH-AF district officers and project staff from the Sar-e-Pul, Samangan, Jawzjan, Baklh and Kabul offices to...