I am not financially dependent on others because I have my own income. My social status and respect in my community have also significantly improved.
I am not financially dependent on others because I have my own income. My social status and respect in my community have also significantly improved.
This organization has taken people from zero to the heights of success
“Digital marketing helps us display people’s needs and meet them while earning benefits,”
"My husband always said that in these tough times, when even a brother doesn't lend to his brother, the Hand in Hand Afghanistan Organization made it possible for us to...
I witnessed how excited my children were on the day of honey extraction.
“Through the HIHAO established enterprise, my living condition significantly changed, and now by selling one Kg of honey, I can earn 1100–1200 AFN."
"My only motivation was to stand on my own feet and have a job with an income so that I could support my husband and also save money beyond our...
I became the group secretary and also an instructor in the tailoring class, training other women and sharing my knowledge and skills with them."
"I am very happy because I can use the wages I receive for other needs and save a little for emergency situations."
Through the empowerment project and her active participation in the SHG, Mrs. Parwin is creating a more stable and prosperous future for her family.
“I am very happy and grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow. It has changed our lives,”
My family's situation has improved relatively after joining the program. My income comes from cultivating crops, and saffron cultivation has also been added as a new crop to our previous...