Golsom is 35 years old and mother of four kids. She lives in Khalar village of Balkhab district of Sarepul province and her husband is a farmer. She says “like majority of other women in my village, I was not able to attend school. I always wanted to help my family to overcome financial challenges, my husband was sick, but since we didn’t have any other source of income, therefore all of his income was spent for family needs and we could never afford proper treatment.”

Golsom joined Moqadas Self Help Group and attended regular group meetings, received Group Management, Microfinance and Business Development Services (BDS) training. She had some background in livestock rearing therefore she received further training to enhance her skills. After completing the training, she received an enterprise startup kit from HiH Af and borrowed AFN 10,000 from the SHG saving and started her dairy farm enterprise.   

Now she gets around 8 liters of milk every day, selling each liter for AFN 20, and is able to contribute in her family expanses. She paid for her husband’s treatment and has fully repaid her first loan. She has also taken a second loan from the SHG by which she has bought 20 layer chickens and now gets around 10 eggs in a day, selling each for AFN 6.

She Says “I am very thankful to HiH Af for the support and training. HiH Af helps women like me who can now generate income and help their families. Women are economically empowered.”

Golsom has learnt the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic calculations through HiH Af’s Life skills training for entrepreneurs. She says “I notice positive changes in my life and it makes me feel confident and I encourage other women of my community to start a business and bring income to their families.”

She is planning to buy another cow within next year to expand her enterprise.

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