Highlights of the month, October 2015
- During this reporting period, 222 new members (212 female & 10 male) were mobilized in to groups under “Sustainable Livelihood Program III” in Keshindeh and Shortepa district of Balkh Province and “Reducing poverty and gender inequality by improving household income and financial resilience through enterprise and job creation” Project in Gosfandi district of Sarepul province.
- Aiming to build new trainees/members capacity, 30 female members were trained in Group Management package, 3,378 members (66% female) were trained in Micro Finance package, and the Business Development Services training is ongoing.
- During this reporting period, 298 new Microenterprises (98 female & 200 male) micro enterprise established in project coverage areas in Samangan province, Jawzjan province, Balkh province and Sar-e-pul province. Furthermore, 56 (46 female & 10 male) Microenterprises that were already economically engaged in the market have expanded their enterprises in the above mentioned districts. The result of this engagement is creation of 495 jobs (41 % female).
- Number of 69 group members (54female and 15 male) successfully completed different vocational skills trainings such as livestock, poultry and cake-baking and embroidery in Aqcha district of Jawzjan province and Dara-e-Suf Bala district of Samangan province
- HiH-Af continuously conducts mentoring visits to the enterprises established/enhanced by HiH-Af technical staff, trainers and VEFs. As part of enterprises market linkage, members were visited and received technical advises on poultry and beekeeping in both Dara-e-Suf Bala and Dar-e-Sof Payan. A regular communication is maintained to enhance market linkage between poultry farms and butchers and provide environment for direct sells to consumers.
- 1,784 illiterate group members (1,469 female & 315 male) are undergoing Life Skills Training under project “Supporting rural enterprises and promoting women’s socio-economic empowerment in Dara-e-suf districts of Samangan Province”, “Sustainable Livelihood Program in Shortepa and Keshendeh districts of Balkh project) and “Improving Lives through Creation of Microenterprises and Jobs in Aqcha district of Jawzjan province”.
- Sum of AFN 194,195 recollected as repayments of EIF loan from groups during the month which has increased the repayment rate to 92.3 %.
- Sum of AFN 5,782,535 saved within the groups by members in Dara-e-Suf Bala and Dar-e-Payan districts of Samangan province, Aqcha district of Jawzjan province, Shortepa and Keshindeh districts of Balkh province and Balkhab, Sancharak and Gosfandi district of Sar-e-pul
- 210 internal loans took place among the group members with a total value of AFN 1,109,250 in Dara-e-Suf Bala and Dar-e-Suf Payan districts of Samangan province, Aqcha district of Jawzjan province, Shortepa and Keshendeh districts of Balkh province and Balkhab, Gosfandi and Sancharak districts of Sar-e-pul province. The purpose of Internal Loans is to utilize group savings accumulated by members for creation and expansion of microenterprises.
- Market linkage and Value Addition training conducted in Mazar regional office for 13 staff (4 male and 9 female) including 11 VEFs and district officer and district assistance of Aqcha district under the Improving Livelihood in Jawzjan Project.
- Business Development Services Training of Trainers (ToT) conducted for the project staff of Gosfandi and Sancharak districts of Sarepul province. The training conducted over 10 days at two different district offices of HiH-Af with 27 participants (15 female & 12 male) including 22 VEFs, 2 district officers, 2 district assistants and one market linkage officer.
- Market linkage and Value Addition training conducted for the project staff of Gosfandi and Sancharak districts of Sarepul province. The training was conducted over 3 days at two district offices of HiH-Af. There were 27 participants (15 female & 12 male) including 22 VEFs, 2 district officers, 2 district assistants and one market linkage officer.