Gulbuddin is 33 years old, married and has 2 kids, lives in Taziyan village of Gosfandi district, Sarepul province. He says “When I was a kid I never had the opportunity to go to school because of the war and conflict, I didn’t have any skill either, my father was a farmer and after he passed away I am responsible not only for my own family but also I have to take care of my mother and sister. I used to do tough and heavy tasks as a wage worker, my mother was sick and we were all struggling”.
Gulbuddin joined Etifaq Self Help Group after HiH Af launched “Reducing Poverty and Gender Inequality” project in Sarepul province. He attended regular group meetings and received Group Management, Book Keeping, Microfinance and Business Development Services (BDS) training. He says “I was very interested in the project because I wanted to learn a skill so I joined carpentry vocational skills training and received enterprise startup kit upon completion of the training”. Gulbuddin established his carpentry enterprise in the district center, he says “I borrowed AFN 3,000 from the SHG and bought some raw material, I am producing different types of doors, windows and other home accessories for my customers who are mainly from Gosfandi district center and some surrounding villages”.
Gulbuddin has already repaid the loan, he says “Now I earn around AFN 7,000 per month, I have sufficient raw material in my shop, I have savings for emergencies and I am optimist about my future, I dream bigger and it doesn’t feel impossible for me to have a bigger business soon”.
Gulbuddin plans to continue the business and recruit someone for apprenticeship so that can create another job as well as he can expand his services.