Samar Gul 28 years old, a widow lives in Hayet Qul Baay village of Khulm district. Samar Guls’s family consists of four kids (two girls and two boys). Her eldest kid is ten years and the youngest is three years.

Her husband died two years ago.  Samar Gul could not afford her family’s basic needs with her elementary life and she is taking care of her children. Some people in the place where she lives, helps her and give food to them.

She says, “Sadness and sorrows were surrounding me I had really bad situation at home. I am the only one to bring up my kids. I never had any income in all my lifetime and I was about to search an opportunity to learn skills and have an occupation. At time a surveyor from Hand in Hand Afghanistan met me and described the project. With the launch of Hand in Hand Afghanistan project, my life and many other poor families are getting to be changed positively”.

“I have received business service training and support to establish embroidery enterprise and for now it is my second month of my practical tailoring class. This project will build hope and secure brighter future for my children and I am looking forward to continuing their education says” Samar Gul mother of four kids.

Samar Gul adds, “The enterprise that I have chosen with help of Hand in Hand field worker, will help me to have my own incomes to support my kids and less worry in future as well. Won’t be in the list of needy people anymore”.  And I have a good sense of working within the ladies of the community. Thanks to Hand in Hand Afghanistan for providing service to women in remote places.

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