Summary of Activities, January 2015:
– Formation of 11 new micro-enterprises all led by women in Jawzjan province under Improving lives in Jawzjan project which has resulted in creation of 15 jobs for female community members.
– Sum of AFN 295,300 recollected as repayments of EIF loan from groups during the month of January 2015.
– Sum of AFN 390,700 saved within the groups by members in Dara-e-Suf Bala and Dara-e-Suf Payan districts of Samangan province and Aqcha district of Jawzjan Province.
– 10 internal loans have taken place among the group members with a total value of AFN 96,300 in Dara-e-suf Bala district of Samangan Province and Aqcha district of Jawzjan Province. Internal loans aim to utilize the group savings accumulated by members for creation and expansion of enterprises.
– Hand in Hand Afghanistan participated in the exhibition of handicrafts in Kabul in conjunction with the event titled “The Afghan Women in 2015”. The event was organized by the European Union Delegation office in Kabul to showcase the women handicrafts. People from different NGOs, governmental and non-governmental organizations and donor offices including Mrs. Rola Ghani the first lady of Afghanistan visited the exhibition. There were five pavilions of products showcased handicrafts of Afghan women from Hand in Hand Afghanistan, Afghan aid, Zardozi and ACTED. Hundreds of visitors thronged elegant HiH Af members pavilion. The visitors distinctly attracted to handicrafts and accessories displayed by HiH Af members at the event. HiH Af showcased 132 pieces of 22 type of handicrafts and accessories which 97 pieces were bought by the avid visitors where HiH Af sold the most major among five pavilions at the exhibition.
– A team of 23 staff members of People in Need (PIN) had an exposure visit to Hand in Hand Af’s female groups in Sholgara district. They visited Tailoring, Wool spinning, poultry groups and one male cooperative. Their questions were answered by the members and PIN articulated this as a very good experience and skill sharing visit.
– A team from Hand in Hand Afghanistan, Hand in Hand International and Hand in Hand Eastern Africa attended a four day workshop with Cloud Lending Inc. in Bangalore India to build a Management Information System (MIS) for Hand in Hand Afghanistan’s Enterprises Incubation Fund.