Mohammad Hussain is 35 years old farmer living in Hosh Village of Balkhab district in Sarepul province. He has three sons and lives in a joint family with his parents, two brothers, one sister and a sister in law. Mohammad Hussain joined Kelkaba SHG in June 2015 when Hand in Hand Afghanistan started mobilization in his village. Till date Mohammad Hussain has contributed AFN 1,500 in the form of saving to the SHG. He has been supported in various ways such as trainings and provision of toolkits.
Before HiH Af’s intervention Mohammad Hussain was not able to afford all his family expanses and he was always under financial pressure specially during winter season. After joining HiH he received training on business development, market linkage and also vocational skills training on agriculture farming. He learned about improved seeds and the right techniques of cultivation and he received improved seeds from HiH Af as part of the enterprise startup toolkit.
During harvest Hussain was stunned to see 540 KGs increases in the crop than before that he was getting 336 KGs. He is now a happy farmer and says “Hand in Hand Afghanistan taught me how to be a successful farmer”.
Mohammad Hussain is planning to lease more land and use improved seeds for cultivation in upcoming seasons, and more people are interested to buy improved seeds from him and promote this in the district.