SHG MEMBER’S INITIATIVE TOWARD CLIMATE CHANGE On 16th of February 2017, Hand in Hand Afghanistan organized planting trees campaign for Self Help Group members in Chimtal district of Balkh province....
SHG MEMBER’S INITIATIVE TOWARD CLIMATE CHANGE On 16th of February 2017, Hand in Hand Afghanistan organized planting trees campaign for Self Help Group members in Chimtal district of Balkh province....
HAND IN HAND AFGHANISTAN EXPANDS TO CHIMTAL DISTRICT In January 2017 HiH Af in collaboration with CAFOD and HiHI expands to Chimtal district of Balkh province, with a new project...
SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOOD PROGRAM IMPROVED 24,384 LIVES IN BALKH PROVINCE Hand in Hand Afghanistan started the “Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP)” in January 2015 and completed December 2016. The project was funded...
ENTREPRENEURS RECEIVE STARTUP KITS Hand in Hand Afghanistan as part of its capacity development in order to create sustainable enterprises and jobs; conducts vocational skills training for members of SHGs...
ASSOCIATIONS’ MEMBERS TRAINED ON MANAGEMENT OF ASSOCIATIONS Associations’ members from Dare-i-Suf Payan and Dara-i-Suf Bala districts of Samangan province, Shortepa and Kishindeh districts of Balkh province received training on management...
SHG MEMBERS ESTABLISH MICRO-ENTERPRISES IN SAREPUL PROVINCE Hand in Hand Afghanistan continuously supports its beneficiaries to create income generating enterprises. The beneficiaries who are the most vulnerable and marginalized groups...
ENGAGING LOCAL STAKEHOLDERS Hand in Hand Afghanistan conducts stakeholder meetings on regular bases to ensure efficient communication and timely reporting to government authorities and stakeholders in district level as well...
SHG MEMBERS EQUIPPED WITH NEW SKILLS Hand in Hand Afghanistan as part of its capacity building in order to create sustainable enterprises and jobs conducts vocational skills training for members...
Hand in Hand Afghanistan continuously looks for opportunities to support rural entrepreneurs in various ways that can help them increase income through sustainable enterprises. HiH Af’s SHG members and rural...